Sunday, February 05, 2006

Some Other Cartoons

Mark Levin at National Review Online asks about the American Media's refusal to reprint the 12 Cartoons. He also provides a link to the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, which has a very revealing look at anti-semitic cartoons which regularly appear in Arab papers.

I've also spared a few moments to check out the postings on Daily Kos. Interestingly, there's not a lot of mention about the protests; I would have thought the "free speech" issue would have been more important to them. The one post on the issue for today scored some points with me in that it denounced the violent reactions as "incredibly fucking stupid". However, this same person asked why Karen Hughes isn't on the scene trying to "quell the chaos". I would have thought the last thing these people would want is the Bush administration getting involved.

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